Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jesus Need New PR blog

So I subscribe to this guys blog. He is a Christian and sometimes gives away really cool things, such as today the new Chris Tomlin Christmas CD. If you just leave a comment, you might win. His stuff is funny (sometimes a little inappropriate). Just check it out you might win something (or learn something).


Halloween and 28th Birthday

Here is what we have been up to the last few weeks. Halloween party, my 28th birthday, and now we are just getting through the rest of the semester. Only a few more papers and tests and then no school for 2 months (except Matt's 2 day class in Jan)!

The ladies at the party

Quailman/Doug and Patti Mayonnaise

The guys

Matt and I at Grater's Ice Cream after our dinner with some friends at Logan's Steakhouse


My silly Husband

My really cool new travel mug from Matt, I realize it looks like a throw away cup, but it isn't!

My beautiful flowers from my beautiful sister, Merry Anna! She also sent some candy too!

There are also a few other pictures from a party that our community group threw me, but I will post them when I can find them!