Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow again...

Apparently, getting all of this snow is unusual...for the second year in a row!!!!!! Kentucky has gotten crazy snow storms in the past year and a half that we have lived here. Today it is just insane outside! This is the like the 4th or 5th heavy snow we have gotten this winter.
I spent most of the day at the seminary getting work done so I would have to drive very little in the snow. I did go to work this morning for 2 hours, but then that was it. The snow just keeps blowing in your face and hurts! We also almost wrecked on the way here this morning only going 5 mph! I decided to stick around and let Matt drive us home.
Anyway, in other news that I forgot yesterday, I am going to begin dance lessons again in March. Classes are on Tues nights and right now I have a Tues night class for 3 more weeks. After that is over, off to dance class for 2 hours each Tues night. The classes are very cheap which is an even greater blessing. It is less than $5 per hour of class! For those who don't know that is almost unheard of!!!!
Also, here is a funny post I saw on facebook. Maybe I am just a therapy/counseling/psychology nerd, but I think this is hilarious...

In other exciting news, Matt's mom and possible dad are coming for the day on Saturday. That will be exciting. I guess we need to get lots of work accomplished before then so that we can enjoy all of our time with them especially b/c it will be a very short visit!
Well, off to get dinner cooked, the house straightened up, spend a few minutes with the husband, and then off to class at 6:15 until 9.


Katy said...

i think that is hilarious, too! but then, i'm a psyc nerd also. glad y'all made it safely through the snow.

Sara Beth Stout said...

Thanks Katy!