Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New jobs and new friends

Hi Everyone,
It has been a while but lots has happened. Where to start? Well we have been married for 9 months and it has just flown by. It is just hard to believe we will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary in less than 3 months. Amazing!!
Well today I, Sara Beth, started my new job at Wedding Wonderland. If you don't know already I really love weddings, planning weddings, looking at wedding stuff, and anything to do with weddings. I would say this is the best job ever for Sara Beth Stout! It is really a blessing financially and really just in general. I really enjoyed my first day checking out the inventory, showing brides and bridesmaids all we have and serving them, and cleaning even.
Matt is hopefully getting a job at the public library and is going to work a little at Tastebuds Diner where I previously worked. He is excited about the new opportunities and most importantly the idea of not working at Walmart ANYMORE!!!! And so is his wife! We will have much more time together since Matt will be working more normal hours rather than 4-11 pm Tues, Wed, and Fri- Sun. Hooray!!
We have also found a wonderful new church family...Great Commission Fellowship (GCF). We love the worship music, the sermons, and the people. We have made some wonderful friends also. Matt Grubbs and I worked at Tastebuds together and he invited us to go to church with him and his wife, Amy. They then introduced us to Jonathon and Missy Bevil and Mike and Val Wooton. Jonathon invited Matt over for cards, which made Matt very happy, and Jonathon introduced Matt to our other new friends Mark and Janie Michelson. It has been great just to be around young couples who are all newly married (they all got married last July) and in the same or at least similar places in life as The Stouts!
Well I have one more thing to add...I have a wonderful husband who brought me home some beautiful flowers the other night JUST BECAUSE!! Thanks Kathy and Steve for raising such a wonderful man that I can proudly call my husband.
Thanks for reading and we will try to update more often.

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