Thursday, January 8, 2009

Stout/Green Weekend 2009

Last weekend, January 3-5, Matt's best friend, Paul, Paul's little sister, Mary, and Matt's sister, Sarah, all came to visit. We spent the weekend watching tv and movies, eating, went out to High Bridge (the highest bridge in the US in 1877), took them to our favorite coffee shop (Coffee Times in Lexington), rocking out to Beyonce's new CD ("Put a ring on it" was in most of our heads all weekend), and there was lots of other fun.

Here it High Bridge from one angle

This is a picture of Paul, Sarah, Mary, and Matt

This is my lovely sister-in-law

Matt and me on High Bridge

High Bridge with a picture of the train that comes by our house at least 35 times a day and yes it comes all during the night and the they sound the horn

Another picture from the viewing area

A sibling picture: Matt, Sarah, Mary, and Paul

A girl picture

a Picture of the guys

Checking out some facts about High Bridge, you should also check it out online:

The girls on the trains...we were all 3 very excited about playing on the trains and the playground

We took turns having on person stand on the right side while another person jumped on the left side and the person on the right would fly into the air...don't tell our moms, they would all be very dissappointed and probably scold us!

A picture of Matt, Sarah, and Mary at Coffee Times- our favorite coffee shop in KY!

A new picture of our child, Duncan. We love him more and more each day and I think he feels the same way!


Jenny Fleming said...

All the single ladies!!

Springer and Laura Susan said...

Sbeth, you look so pretty in this blue jacket! I love that color on you... gorgeous!