Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ruthie turns 21 Months Old and I am 33 weeks Pregnant

This month Ruthie turned 21 months old on the 18th. 

As you can see above she was very tired on her birthday. I guess moving to the new toddler bed did it to her!
 Ruthie loves building and stacking her animals on top of her towers. She now knows the sounds that a dog, cat, cow, and lion say as well as can pick out a turtle, giraffe, elephant, and duck from a book or group of animals. It is so fun!
 Again she is having a hard time staying awake b/c of her new found freedom of sleeping in her toddler bed.
 Eating her first Krystal Hamburger
 Sliding on the big slide with Maggie
 Enjoying waiting for the dr. to call us back to hear sweet Olivia's heart beat!
 Still loving the jumperoo! 
 Trying on her Halloween costume- Little Lady Love Bug
 We were sitting in the living room while Ruthie went to the kitchen. She is usually just playing with the doors, but can't get them open b/c they are baby proofed. However, this time one of her parents left the door to the dish washer open a little. We heard utensils falling and banging going on. Here is what we found!
 The Pigtales
Finally, The Toddler Bed! Ruthie has done a great job adjusting! Only the first night did she fight us. She was standing at the door banging until she finally fell asleep. We are on night # 6 and have had no real trouble since that first night. She jumps in her bed and makes sure to bring her blanket and bear. She sleeps until about 6 and then plays for 10 to 20 minutes until she is ready to have some food and drink as well as a diaper change. I think we are all feeling much better with the extra sleep. 

Ruthie has moved to an 8pm bedtime and of course the toddler bed! 
Ruthie loves making animal sounds and picking out animals from a group on a page or of her little plastic animals. She can also pick out some of her favorite Sesame Street characters in her books.
Ruthie knows how to say a few more words: more, shoes, banana, and nose.
Ruthie can point to her nose, mouth, ears, eyes, head, tummy, and belly button. She if you ask her where her toes are she will wiggle them and the same for her fingers. It is incredibly cute. We will have to try to get that on video soon!
Ruthie still enjoys playing with blocks, balls, crayons, and really any other items that are against the rules such as batteries and tools. We don't let her play with dangerous things, but she sure does like trying.
She has become even more adventurous. She will climb to the highest slide on the playground and slide down all the way without help and she still really loves swinging. She also loves collecting things. Anything really, rocks, pinecones, batteries, sticks. You name it, she collects it. 
Ruthie really loves a new show called Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. It is so great and I really think she learns a lot from it!

We are just so happy being her momma and daddy. She is just a joy to watch grow and learn. She may be adventurous and have to spend some time in time out due to climbing on the back of the couch, on the end table, on the coffee table, or just getting into the dogs' water and food, but she is just so much fun! She can make friends where ever she goes and is always getting compliments on her behavior and of course her cuteness! We know she will be a wonderful big sister in just a few short weeks!

Which brings us to now: 33 weeks!
Olivia will be here sooner than I think we can even imagine! I have spent the last 28 hrs having the worst indigestion of my life. I know that soon I will no longer have indigestion or any other kind of pregnancy issues, but rather a little pain, but a very sweet baby to show for all of this! We are so excited to meet our sweet baby girl. More in a few days about a trip to Macon this weekend and some cute stuff we have gotten for the girls...

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